Home Constructors
Fem palestinska arbetare försöker hitta sin plats vid sidan av sin judisk-israeliska byggherre under den israeliska nationaldagen. Genom att distansera sig från en utländsk medarbetare, en flykting från Darfur, hoppas arbetarna att de äntligen får känna tillhörighet i det land som definierar sina invånare utifrån krigets regler.
Israel, 2019, 4, Direction: Nitzan Rozen, Production: Kobi Mizrahi, Nitzan Rozen.
Director and script writer, was born in Jerusalem and grew up in Kfar Warburg, a village in the south of Israel. She graduated with honors from The Sam Spiegel Film School in 2017.
Up at Night
Tre separata skärmar får oss att upptäcka återhämtningsförmågan hos en befolkning som återuppfinner ljus framför en osynlig regering.
Belgium, 2019, 21, Direction: Nelson Makengo, Production: Rosa Spaliviero.
Nelson Makengo graduated in Visual Communication from the Academy of Fine Arts in Kinshasa. After participating in masterclasses in photography, documentary writing residencies in Kinshasa, Saint Louis Senegal and training in filmmaking in Paris at the National School of Image and Sound Trades (La Femis); he now makes documentary and experimental short films
I 1940-talets Havanna växer ett 9-årigt barn upp i en förmögen familj. Denna film rekonstruerar de minnen som barnet har av sin barnflicka, en svart kvinna vid namn Guillermina. Filmen baserar sig på en verklig historia.
Cuba, Spain, Brazil, 2019, 17, Direction: Aida Esther Bueno Sarduy, Production: Aida Esther Bueno Sarduy.
Aída Esther Bueno Sarduy is a documentary filmmmaker and Ph.D. in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has completed advanced studies on race relations and black culture at the Center for Afro-Asian Studies at the Universidade Candido Mendes in Río de Janeiro. Her research on religions of African origin has taken her to Havana, Cuba, and Salvador de Bahía, Recife and São Luis de Maranhão in Brazil. She is currently researching the trade of enslaved women, freedom charters, and documents related to the purchase of personal freedom of african women or afrodescendents in Brasil at the end of the 19th century in th State of Pernambuco. In addition to teaching Anthropology in various U.S. university programs in Madrid including Middlebury College, Boston University, Hamilton College, New York University, and Stanford
Douma Underground
När bomberna ven över Ghouta sökte civila skydd hemma i sina källare. Jag var en av dem. Med min kamera tätt intill försökte jag filma det som jag inte kunde uttrycka i ord.
Lebanon, Syria, 2019, 11, Direction: Tim Alsiofi, Production: Mohammad Ali Atassi.
Born in Douma, Damascus 1994, Tim Alsiofi studied sound engineering and music but could not complete his studies due to the siege on Eastern Ghouta where he remained until the forced displacement of 2018. Inside Ghouta, he documented the daily stories of the besieged civilians and since 2013 he’s been serving as a field photographer contributing to reporting from inside the siege to a number of news agencies.
Dokumentären målar ett porträtt av en dragfamilj från Bryssel som spänner över fyra generationer. En kväll backstage öppnas deras hjärtan i takt med att alkohol och sminklager dämpar maskuliniteten. Svåra ämnen tas upp och generationsbaserade missförstånd uppstår oundvikligen i diskussionen.
Belgium, 2019, 20, Direction: Hippolyte Leibovici, Production: Manon Mancini.
Hippolyte Leibovici is a Franco-Belgian producer. His attraction to cinema begins at the age of 13 whilst serving coffee on the sets of an African production company. Slowly abandoning his studies, he works in this same production company from the age of 15 to 17 as an imagery technician. He begins producing short films without the means to do so, and mixes his technical apprenticeship with his desire to produce. He joins INSAS at the age of 18, which introduces him to the team with which he will produce his films. At the age of 21, he abandons fiction for documentaries, with the desire of finally accomplishing and creating cinema with a purpose, notably for the LGBTQ community.
Huntsville Station
Nya personer lämnar varje dag fängelset i Huntsville. De tar sig till busstationen ett kvarter bort. Utrustade med mobiler och cigaretter reflekterar de över sina första stunder i frihet.
United States, 2020, 13, Direction: Chris Filippone, Jamie Meltzer, Production: Jamie Meltzer.
Jamie Meltzer (b Washington D.C., USA, in 1973) graduated from the San Francisco State University’s cinema programme with a master’s in 2002. He teaches and is the programme director of the MFA programme in documentary film at Stanford University.Chris Filippone ( b Philadelphia, USA in 1987) studied film and media arts as well as political science at Temple University and documentary film and video at Stanford. His films explore the intersection between work, marginalised voices and contested spaces.
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Kortfilmfestivalen Play
På vår egen onlinetjänst Kortfilmfestivalen Play kan du se hela festivalprogrammet hemifrån för endast 90 kronor. Playtjänsten är tillgänglig från hela Sverige och kan användas under hela festivalveckan 19-25 oktober.
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