Uppsala Region

International Film Residency

4-31 October 2021

Uppsala Region

International Film Residency

This new residency programme enables a professional filmmaker working in Europe the possibility to reside in the county of Uppsala for a four week period. The aim of the residency is to offer an international filmmaker time for creative development of an ongoing project as well as teaching opportunities and exchange with regional filmmakers and students. In collaboration with Uppsala Short Film Festival, the filmmaker is also expected to present his/her work during the festival week.

Professional filmmakers from Europe are warmly welcome to apply. The deadline for application is 14th June 2021.


Practical information
The residency provides accommodation at Region Uppsala folkhögskola/Wik* and at Nordens folkhögskola Biskops-Arnö*. Both colleges are situated in the countryside, at 20 km and 45 km respectively, south of Uppsala. Starting from this autumn, Region Uppsala folkhögskola/Wik will be offering a new one year course in Storytelling. While Biskops-Arnö is renowned for its documentary film courses.

The residency programme will be held in Uppsala, Sweden between 4-31 October 2021.


What the residency entails
The residency provides accommodation at two colleges for one person, including half board during the weeks, as well as three hotel nights in Uppsala during the festival week. Flight costs to and from Sweden as well as a stipend of 25.000 SEK for the duration. Local travel expenses and insurance costs are not covered.

In return, the programme requires the recipient to lecture or hold a workshop for regional filmmakers, and do the same for groups of film students at both colleges. In collaboration with Uppsala Short Film Festival the recipient is expected to present his/her work during the festival week, an event which will be planned together with the festival.


*Adult education college


Apply before 14th June 2021 at the latest

Apply with a short letter describing yourself and your filmmaking profile, and why you’re applying for the residency programme. Tell us what you would like to develop within this four week period. Enclose a CV and your filmography.

When applying, please attach links to previous films you have made and include a presentation, synopsis and moving images of what you would like to develop during the residency.

Send your application to Kultur och Bildning by 14th June at the latest, via e-mail to kultur@regionuppsala.se entitled “Film Residency”. The recipient will be announced shortly after the last day of application. Representatives from Region Uppsala and Uppsala Short Film Festival will be on the selection committee. An evaluation of the residency programme should take place before the beginning of December.


Contact details
Louise Bown, Film Commissioner, louise.bown@regionuppsala.se,
+46 18-611 62 85, +46 70-598 62 85, Region Uppsala, Sweden



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