

Step into Another Dimension

A selection of this year’s best documentaries pushing the boundaries of the form.

Kortfilmfestivalen Play 19-25 October

All movements should kill the wind

Two hundred kilometers from Beijing, men live among rocks waiting to be broken, cut, sanded. The same gestures come back again and again to write a history of damage and repair. This story fades into the manufacture of monuments with the wind that inexorably disseminates the traces of these actions.

France, 2019, 12, Direction: Yuyan WANG, Production: Natalia Trebik.
Born in 1989, WANG Yuyan is currently working at Le Fresnoy – National Studio of Contemporary Arts. She graduated from the Fine Arts of China in 2012 and Beaux-Arts of Paris in 2016. She realizes multi-media projects which oscillate between performance, video, and installation, often in an immersive perspective.

La Espera

A remote piece of no man’s land. A dusty, barren area in between the railway line and the highway. A few campfires flaring. Groups of people gathering here and there. Silent images and fragments of touching conversations calmly direct the viewer’s attention to the microcosm of individual destinies within the context of world affairs. What seems so abstract, suddenly becomes close and alive.

Germany, Brazil, The Netherlands, 2020, 14, Direction: Danilo Do Carmo, Jakob Krese, Production: Annika Mayer.
Danilo Do Carmo was born in the south of Brazil. He studied cinematography and editing at the University of São Paulo and at the Konrad Wolf film university in Berlin. Jakob Krese grew up between former Yugoslavia and Germany. He studied Cinematography and Directing in Berlin, Havana and Sarajevo. Since then, Jakob has worked as director, producer and cinematographer of creative documentaries.


A film crew follows three grieving participants of Miami’s annual T Ball, where folks assemble to model R.I.P. t-shirts and innovative costumes designed in honour of their dead.

United States, 2019, 13, Direction: Keisha Rae Witherspoon, Production: Jason Fitzroy Jeffers, Faren Humes, Monica Sorelle.
Born in Miami, USA in 1980, the Jamaican-American filmmaker Keisha Rae Witherspoon has a BA in creative writing with a minor in African American studies. Her work, which is driven by interests in science, speculative fiction and fantasy, documents the unseen and unheralded nuances of diasporic peoples. She is creative director of Third Horizon, a Caribbean creative collective based in Miami which holds the annual Third Horizon Film Festival.

Tremendous Cream

A literary or a musical composition formed by selections from different authors disposed in a new order.

Russia, 2020, 3, Direction: Alexei Dmitriev, Production: Alexei Dmitriev.
Since I was a little girl my dream was to star in an experimental film.


The sun is reflected in an Andalusian thermo-solar power plant whose architecture reminds us of ancient alchemical engravings, like a sacred temple of the 21st century. From its radiance come the voices of an antimatter physicist and an ecofeminist evoking their reflections on collapse, time and energy.

France, Spain, 2020, 15, Direction: Mathilde Lavenne, Production: Mathilde Lavenne.
Mathilde Lavenne (France, 1982) is a visual artist, screenwriter, director and cinematographer. After directing her research in emerging technologies and digital tools by writing experimental short films and creating digital installations, she graduated from Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, after two years of research on image.

Black Lagoon

To their faithful inhabitants, Peru’s mountains are a sacred space full of mystery. Nature is the focus, from juicy greenery to shiny mud, from biting winds to silent mist. In their midst, a healer who recommends not letting unimportant, worthless things distract you.

Peru, France, 2019, 30, Direction: Felipe Esparza, Production: Lady Vinces.
The work of Felipe Esparza creates dynamic links and tensions between cinema, plastic arts and video creation. In his projects there is a marked interest in social content and an exploration of themes such as nature, non-verbal communication, the sacred, its symbolic derivatives and the relationship between image and time, image and history and image and truth. He tackles the complex representation of these themes elaborating visual narratives where the contemporary visual imaginary cohabits with the archive and with local and universal cultural codes, achieving metalanguage pieces.


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